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A healthy and Nuttylicious Dinner Night this Ramadan

A healthy and Nuttylicious Dinner Night this Ramadan

Ensure you stack up your kitchen store room with lots and variety of Dry fruits and Nuts this Ramadan. Choose HungerPangz for online shopping of Dry fruits and Nuts in Bangalore city and Pan India. They deliver freshness and quality premium dry fruits and nuts in sealed airtight jars. This goodness is delivered at your doorsteps and you will not regret the choice

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#HerPangz As a Woman

#HerPangz As a Woman

Woman today are no different from men when it comes to leading life. She is all capable of doing it flawlessly. May it be in the area of work, home, relationships, career, and finances. She is no less than a pro. The journey of Womanhood has evolved over centuries and the unrealistic belief systems, stereotypes around how she needs to conduct herself and live, has drastically changed. We see women today very happily opting the roles they wish to pursue without any kind of hesitations or hindrances.

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Educate yourself and your family about Diabetes:

Educate yourself and your family about Diabetes:

Food is a component which is very much essential for one to survive and generate energy in the body. It is a fuel for the entire body and the process starts right from the time we start consuming food. What happens normally once the food is consumed. The body breaks it down to glucose and it is uses them for energy in our cells.

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How Ramadan helps you become healthier?

How Ramadan helps you become healthier?

Ramadan, the festival of fasting and Offering gratitude to Allah comes during the 9th month of the Muslim Calendar. Now it is mentioned that this was the month when the phrases or the teachings of the holy Quran were first revealed to the people. Hence this month is celebrated and most of the teachings of Allah are refreshed and practiced during this month.

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Break your fast with Dates this Ramzan

Break your fast with Dates this Ramzan

Ramzan Fasting, a period of staying away from food and drink from dawn to sunset is not just a religious practice from thousands of years but it is an act that brings in a change and detoxification in the body and spirits of people. 

In Islam, the 9th month of the Calendar starting and ending with the Crescent moon reference is marked as the holy month of Ramzan. This holy month is reported by Prophet Mohammed as a month when “the doors of heaven open”.

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