Woman today are no different from men when it comes to leading life. She is all capable of doing it flawlessly. May it be in the area of work, home, relationships, career, and finances. She is no less than a pro. The journey of Womanhood has evolved over centuries and the unrealistic belief systems, stereotypes around how she needs to conduct herself and live, has drastically changed. We see women today very happily opting the roles they wish to pursue without any kind of hesitations or hindrances.
Here are some very common pangs a woman goes through and here are few tips on how she can build the courage and confidence to overcome them
Less or Zero support from family for pursuing her dream life
We see women in leading roles today. Indeed many are in powerful positions ruling the industry. You name a role and you see women in it. We must mention that women don’t hesitate to earn their living by working as food delivering agents in swiggy , zomato. We see them at fuel stations. We also see them in Security department. Right from operation theaters to clear skies as pilots, they are remarkably making humanity proud. Top leading roles in politics is of Woman today. Few women have this strong ambition of achieving greater heights but land up not getting enough support from their family. Now family can be your parents, siblings, and spouse.
How can she address her pangs in this scenario of no or zero support from her family? Be Vocal and speak it out.
Many of our family members are more protective towards us. May it be our parents or husbands. They want to ensure Woman lives the best life and stay protected by societal pressures, norms and no harm is caused to her. But speaking out loud on why it is important for her to pursue a dream career could be an educative piece of information to their otherwise protective self. With right communication, right efforts, right tone any difficult conversations could be easily addressed.
Balancing personal and Work life:
75% of women today are working professionals and indeed it is a necessity in this fast growing world. It would really seem hard for a family to run with single person’s income. Playing dual role i.e. of a homemaker and a professional could be at times challenging and stressful. One may land up feeling stressed and worked up.
How can she address her pang of striking a balance here? By organising herself well and setting priorities.
She needs to be crystal clear on what is that which helps her manage her energy levels better. ex: She may take some help from a maid for cleaning her home while ensure she cooks the food herself to keep up to the family’s health. She can also share some part of her responsibilities at home with her spouse. After all today men have evolved and well adapted to the mindset of equally participating in house chores. It could be as simple as sharing the laundry activities. Also she needs to ensure that she doesn’t carry her professional worries home. Instead make some time to spend quality time with her family
Keeping her health at the top of the list
No matter how excellent, bold, beautiful and capable she is, it all comes to an end with poor health. She needs to ensure that her health is at the top of the list she wants to accomplish. We see woman neglecting their own physical and mental health by prioritising the needs of the family or others. Giving makes her happy but this should not be at the cost of her own health.
How can she address her pangs for better health? Here are some quick tips
- Having a check-up routine. At least within a gap of 6months, one needs to check all aspects of her profile like blood tests, lipid profile, mammograms etc.
- Following a healthy diet rich in proteins, fresh fruits, leafy and cruciferous vegetables, Dry fruits and nuts.
- Ensuring she spends at least 30mins of the day exercising
- Taking time for spiritual wellbeing by meditation.
- Staying away from junk food or food which adds no value to ones energy levels. One can opt to say no to pizza and yes to flavoured nuts and makhanas. It is all about choices
- Staying hydrated
Peer pressure and Overthinking
Women are born nurturers. They play different roles in different phases of life. They are daughters, mothers, siblings, wife. Transiting from one stage to another could at times be a pressure. We see women getting married at young age due to family pressure. Once married, they are pressurized to conceive or have children. Sometimes it might not be her choice but just a result of emotional pressure from people around. Alongside peer pressure, she is also bought up with typical thinking of doing certain things in a certain way else she continuously broods on “What will the society think?” or “How do we face our social circle, colleagues and relatives”. There is a continuous pattern of satisfying others needs overs hers and overthinking on everything she does. It is indeed not a free flowing life of her choice
How can she overcome her pangs of Peer Pressure and Overthinking? Valuing herself.
It is easy said than done because there as we live in a society or a man made world. She needs to overcome her inner struggles first, get strong and value her own self above other, place her own needs above others and love her own self more than anyone else. Overthinking takes one to places which otherwise is not a reality. One needs to analyse whether the things which they are brooding at the moment, will it really matter to anyone five years from now or will they even remember the same ten years from now. One best way to overcome overthinking is keeping oneself busy and never ideal. May it be work or home making or nurturing ones family. It is indeed important to stay active.
Fear of failure
There is lack of confidence and second thought with her pursuing her dream life when she encounters the fear of failure. It is not just when she starts something new on her own but also in work places. There might be some areas where a woman might feel incompetent with her male counterparts. Also the support from others might take some time to come in. Initially it might seem a one man show
How can she overcome her fear of failure? By doing it anyways
She might as well give it a try and not give up on herself first. Outcome might be a success or a failure but she should not fail with her efforts to anyways do it. At least she has a satisfaction of trying it out.
All that a woman should know that if she puts her mind and determination to her goals, there is no force which can stop her from achieving her ambitions and overcoming her pangs.