Offer Details | Hungerpangz Online Store
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Offer details

We are happy to reward you with Gift vouchers worth Rs. 1500/- for an Order value above Rs.1500/-

All you need to do is follow these 5 steps to redeem the Discount vouchers

1. Login and Register yourself as our customer 

2. Place an order above Rs. 1500/- 

3. Review our products on website to spread the word of quality and freshness.

4. Rate us on website

5. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook 

6. Offer valid till June 30th only.


Our team will review all the tasks and confirm your eligibility

You will then receive 3 discount vouchers of Rs.500/- each suming upto Rs. 1500/- via email, which you can avail in 3 consecutive orders. 

These vouchers will be sent to you within 15days of the task Completion.